"Ma, everything is going to be ok, don't worry."
“If I told each and every one of you that your end date was set for 2020, how would you treat the person sitting next to you, how would you treat family and friends from this day forward, would you tell them and show them that you Love them at every opportunity?
(Cameo Wade – Lena Harris Little Funeral)”
Hindsight 20/20, the last time I picked my Grandmother up from Dialysis, she said to me, “Baby, I don’t know how much-more longer I’m going to be here.”
I replied, “Ma, everything is going to be ok, don’t worry.”
After walking her into the house, getting her into bed, giving her a kiss on the forehead then telling her I LOVE her, I needed a few moments of reflection to internally verbalize our conversation.
I thought to myself, “None of us knows how much-more longer we are going to be here and one day we will also have to face Ma’s truth and acceptance.”
Interlocking a financial means to assist with expenses that are a result of: Damage, Disease or Death is Critical.
In trying-times, it’s hard to determine ‘Where?’ the HELP is going to come from financially.
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